You know this story all too well--- "I will start my diet on Monday" "No more carbs starting tomorrow" "No more dairy, sugar, or gluten" "I'm giving up grapes- they are making me fat....but just the purple ones."
It's no secret that we are living in a diet obsessed culture and the 818 is not exempt from the Hollywood standard of looking like a hot piece of ass at all times.
I spent many years in the diet vortex, every week it was a different ridiculous plan. Grapefruits, juice fasts, I even did a series of the dreaded colonic. I was driving myself and my body absolutely bananas. (Gave those up as well by the way.)
I started to notice a friend of mine looking really good. Like, really REALLY good. Naturally, I assumed she was starving herself and working out 6 hours a day. To my surprise she gave all the credit to her healthy diet and the woman that put it all into perspective for her- obviously I called this miracle worker for an appointment STAT.
Within minutes of meeting fellow valley girl Kim Shapira, I instantly wanted to be her best friend. Not only was she completely adorable and her energy infectious but she gave me the confidence I needed to make the changes towards a healthier me. I trusted her. I loved her approach. I was excited, dedicated, and before I knew it- 6 pounds lighter. All of this occurred with good old fashioned diet and exercise my friends- no stimulants, cleanses or baby food. Kim gave me a plan that included foods I thought I would never see again-- even bananas and purple grapes!
Kim specializes in weight loss/management, eating disorders, food allergies, diabetes, IBS, high cholesterol, and much more. I truly feel like Kim Shapira has changed my life, she ended my weight roller coaster and after almost a year of working with her she has kept me on track. Do yourself and your body a favor and call her for a consult pronto. Tell her Valley Girl sent you;)
Kim Shapira
21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 137
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
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